Elumatec Retrofit


When customer or market demands change, you can react quickly and flexibly with a retrofit. We will ensure your elumatec machine is always equipped with state-of-the-art technology and make your business fit for the new demands and challenges, all with significantly lower costs than a new machine.

Retrofits have even more benefits: a modified machine or a machine with modernised technology delivers the same performance as a new machine, you can continue to use the accessories you already have, you save on training costs and you avoid a defensive attitude on the part of your employees towards new machines/technology.

> A new lease of life for older machine
> Cost-effective adaptation to new demands
> Higher performance and new applications
> Existing accessories can continue to be used
> Minimal downtimes
> No training costs and no defensive employee attitude towards new machines
> Higher availability of spare parts through the use of existing technologies